What’s wrong with being wrong?

Pablo Laurino
3 min readApr 27, 2021

Countless studies have proven that acknowledging that we are wrong can help us to have better relationships and have a happier life.

Why are we so obsessed with being right? Why can’t we assume people change their opinions?

Being a founder, just like starting anything else in life takes a lot of things… But one of the hardest things to do is to be comfortable with uncertainty.

You constantly need to make decisions while you are surrounded by doubt, people will give you different advice, you won’t have enough data to make a decision, but still, you are responsible for providing clear guidance to your team, to your customers, and your stakeholders.

Recently I read a post that my coach and friend, Marc Meyer wrote about “How to think clearly” and that great article made me think: What’s wrong with being wrong?

I think that giving clear guidance and seem confident is crucial for any successful business (or project) but being vulnerable and able to react when you’re proven wrong is also a fundamental part of growing your business. Or your relationship. Or anything else in life.

Let’s start from the beginning.

Why do we automatically attach being wrong with shame? Most of us were raised within a system that punished us for being wrong, for making mistakes. In school you get bad grades when you’re mistaken, most parents are cruel to each other and to their children (they’re not bad people, they were just raised on the same system, they’re under a lot of pressure, etc) so it’s normal that now you’re afraid of being wrong because you’re trying to avoid the shame, or trying to avoid someone being cruel to you.

But then? What’s the real problem with being wrong? Spoiler alert: Nothing is wrong with being wrong. The real problem is that we are so convinced that being vulnerable is a bad thing, that will leave us defenseless that we can’t even stop to consider and process the meaning of being wrong.

We try to be right right away And we use arguments to fight with

What can you do to feel more comfortable?

As usual, when I write things, most of the time I don’t have the answer but writing definitely helps me to better understand my thoughts and feelings.

But normally I always like to share some learnings and finish my writing with some final thoughts or ideas.

So. Wanna know what I believe? I genuinely believe that being wrong is the best thing that can happen to you.

Well, actually: That being aware that you are wrong is the best thing that can happen to you. Because you’re probably wrong anyway, whether you know it or not.

Not knowing that you are wrong will lead you to… Make mistakes over and over, repeating bad patterns, that will isolate you from people. And lastly, you’ll spend a lot of time and energy fighting with other people.

But, in opposition, knowing that you are wrong can help you in countless ways: You’ll be able to learn from your mistakes, and you’ll learn faster. You’ll be able to build more profound relationships with colleagues and people around you. Because you’ll be able to see and understand other people’s points of view and also, if you can be seen as someone vulnerable, probably you will invite others to be vulnerable to you.

So, next time you feel so passionately about something, or someone is trying to share a different perspective or even challenging you. Try to pause for a second, think about that, and use that opportunity to learn.

I’m not saying you are wrong 100% of the time (maybe just 80%) but even if you are right life is just about points of view. Being right or wrong is a cultural construction that can vary from geo to geo or even from time to time.

What is human and natural, and can help us to feel better is being vulnerable and being able to react and learn faster from others.

Recommended watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRXNUx4cua0



Pablo Laurino

Helping Publishers to start a #DigitalPublishing Biz in @getpublicala. Performance Marketer & Digital Media Entrepreneur. Verdolaga aquí y allá